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AJ - materiály pro MiND

AJ - materiály pro MiND
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282.12 kB

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Stažení: AJ.pdf

Datum uložení souboru:
02. 09. 2018

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» Zdarma nahrát nový PDF dokument na DraGIF.cz a převést na animaci «

Přepis textového obsahu PDF dokumentu AJ.pdf:

Olivier J., Staiano E. - Eli Picture Dictionary English Junior
A dictionary for elementary level students For Secondary School Learn and memorize more
than 1000 words and many language expressions. 36 illustrated theme pages present language
related to various aspects of teenage daily life. For each theme a language structure is
introduced. A wordlist in alphabetical order is found at the back. An activity book is also

36 pages, 161 + 102 CZK

Primary i-Dictionary 1 Starters Picture Dictionary

The perfect accompaniment to the Primary i-Dictionary CD-ROM, this
Picture Dictionary Book contains all the words from the Primary i-
Dictionary CD-ROM plus activities. Young learners will enjoy labelling
the pictures, then checking with the CD-ROM, as well as doing
crosswords, word searches, gap fills and colouring activities.

264 CZK

Hravá angličtina v křížovkách - Více než 100 křížovek a osmisměrek

Křížovky, osmisměrky a omalovánky pro všechny malé náruživé
luštitele. Lušti, vybarvuj a nauč se spoustu nových anglických slovíček! V
knize najdeš 15 tematických kapitol a v každé z nich tě pobaví: křížovky,
osmisměrky, vtipné ilustrace, omalovánky. Grada, 88 stran, 169 Kč

Brain Games
This is a brand new set of activity cards to baffle and bamboozle
young brains! The cards contain a variety of games including
mazes, number puzzles, shape puzzles and word games. The cards
are wipe clean and the pack includes a special pen with which to
write the answers on the cards, making the pack entirely self
contained and easily portable. The cards are robust and durable,

ensuring repeated use. 144 CZK


A pack of wipe-clean cards bursting with puzzles and games to put
the whole family's memory skills to the test. Testing both visual and
written recall, children can play these on their own, or challenge a
friend or adult! Includes a special pen to write on the cards. 144 CZK

This title is an addition to already successful series of puzzle activity
cards. Puzzles help to improve logic skills such as analysing facts, spatial
awareness, verbal and non-verbal reasoning. It is an enjoyable way to
reinforce vital learning skills. The cards are wipe clean and come with a
special pen, making the pack entirely self contained, easily portable and
ideal for journeys and holidays. 144 CZK

AJ - materiály pro MiND

PDF file: AJ.pdf

Microsoft Word - AJ.doc


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